I'm interested in assessing internal training

Following the successful rollout of the Training Quality Standard for training providers, the Standard has been developed to offer assessment and certification for training delivered by employers’ in-house departments. This version of the Standard is called the Training Quality Standard for Employers.

What is the Training Quality Standard for Employers?

The non-prescriptive assessment framework focuses on the ability of an organisation’s internal training function to provide training that meets customer needs and corporate aims and objectives.

Why apply for assessment?

Certification against the Training Quality Standard for Employers is tough to achieve, so we can be confident in endorsing organisations with the best internal training functions. Consequently, the Standard for Employers is something which organisations can aspire to, and be proud of when they achieve it. There are also numerous benefits associated with the assessment and certification process, which can be seen here.

You will find further information about the Training Quality Standard for Employers on this website and for further information please refer to Introducing the Training Quality Standard for Employers document.


